I used to think that when I got very old—like 80—I would have gained so much wisdom and learned so many answers that I’d be able to help people see beyond their problems and obstacles. By the time I was in my late 70’s, I knew that such a person is called a Life Coach.

So, I wanted to be a Life Coach when I grew up.

Now I’m grown up. I’m 80 and then some. A dream (one of many) has come true: I am a Life Coach, and a Life Guide. I can’t think of a finer way to use the last chunk of my own life than helping others get the most out of theirs.

But—have I really learned so many answers that I can just pull one out for any situation? Far from it! My accumulated wisdom tells me that there are very few answers—maybe just three or four. But those answers are huge. It takes time and effort to become the person who can grasp them and use them.

Suppose you climbed a mountain to the wise old hermit and asked him for the meaning of life. What could he possibly say? He (she) might say, “Live here with me awhile; sit beside me and watch the world unfold day by day.” And maybe you would look at your watch and say, “No, I really have to hurry back. Just give me the answer.” Because the reasons for staying where you are can be very strong. When you are first starting out on this journey that you’re not even totally convinced about, you need constant reminders that, 1) you genuinely desire change, and, 2) there are definite, daily things you can do to bring it about. It is so very helpful to have someone you can check in with, spill your doubts to, get more detailed instructions from.

Some degree of commitment is necessary for anything that’s worth doing. Even a small commitment to change can grow more and more complete with encouragement and support. An initial burst of enthusiasm can dissipate very fast; a mature commitment to joy and satisfaction can serve you for the rest of your life.

So, yes, you do have to be committed. But it’s a commitment to the most interesting journey you’ll likely ever take. It’s a commitment not to give up on yourself.