About Me



Like many coaches, I’d already explored many roads before realizing that I wanted the opportunity to be of service to others. Everything I’ve done through the years has been preparing me to serve as a life guide.

I’ve always been in the arts in one capacity or another, and it’s been a rewarding and exciting ride. I’ve had 2 husbands, 7 kids and step-kids, and an ever-changing number of grandchildren. I’m a writer (which means I’ve paid close attention to my fellow humans) and I’m also a songwriter/ singer/ guitarist (which means I’ve learned to look for the common humanity in my subjects and my audiences).

I’ve learned volumes about the human heart and about the forces that keep people imprisoned in anxiety or apathy. All the children and grandchildren, novels, stories, songs, concerts, bands, and on-the-road travels that filled my life have forged me into a person who can help others by example.

At 77, I began teaching aerobic dance and fitness to seniors. This I still do. Then I began to see that there are many other kinds of fitness—not just body but also mind, confidence, and expansion of goals. And at this point I realized life coaching was exactly what I wanted to do.

Transformational life coaching is just what the term suggests: It really is possible to transform your life—to shape it according to your deepest desires. The process of transformation started in me almost immediately when I began studying, and I find it just keeps getting better. I would love to start it in you. It thrills me to wake the sleeping spark in someone and see it turn into a steady flame. I can do this for you—or rather, I can help you do it for yourself.

Do you have a question about me that I haven’t answered here? I’m an open book! Just set up a free consultation by clicking the button below and you can ask away.